Cooking subject should be made compulsory in high schools

In today's world, there's no difference made between men and women. Wheather in the terms of work, sports, business, etc. Then why it's such that only women are responsible for household chores and why not men? Is it something like only women can cook good food and not men? Well here's the answer In old days, as girl child turns 10, she's forced to do house chores like brooming, mopping, washing utensils, helping mom in cooking food and serving food to family members, etc. and only few were allowed to study. Whereas boy child were allowed to play, study and do whatever they want to do and the same thing is going on in today's generation but the only difference is that parents began to give more importance to education. But still boys are not allowed to do house chores. It's just because they are not taught to cook and other things. When it comes to gender equality, both men and women must be treated equally in the terms of education as well as c...